You have hundreds of provider options for any event’s content, venue, multimedia, and catering. Unfortunately, you often realize the providers’ quality until the day of the event.
Here is a checklist to help you choose a content provider for your next event.

  1. Experience managing groups of different size.
  2. Science-backed methodology.
  3. Transparency about the solution, no hidden surprises.
  4. Guarantee for safety and inclusion of all participants.
  5. Can prove how event objectives are going to be met and is willing to measure efficiency.
  6. Can customise learning to meet your specific needs.
  7. All participants are going to be actively engaged.
  8. Support with logistics
  9. Support with event communication and marketing (teasers, invitations).
  10. Strategic consulting about the events agenda and flow.
  11. Support with event theming.
  12. Competitive cost per participant.
  13. Capability to follow-up with participants (online or in person).
  14. Proven track record and references.
  15. Has repeated customers.
  16. Meeting deadlines constantly from the beginning.
  17. Accessibility and availability.
  18. Has emergency and contingency plan.
  19. Has adequate equipment and technology.
  20. On-site staffing.
  21. Legal compliance.